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Program Note
This piece was inspired by the poignant, nostalgic ache I feel upon the realisation of reaching the end of a life-changing journey that is the National Women Composer’s Development Program with 3 incredibly talented, kind, vivacious and fierce women that I am only so lucky to know. To Ella Macens, Elizabeth Younan and Clare Johnston— thank you for being my inspirations, a source of drive, my rocks and my therapists for the last 2 years. It feels like a lifetime, may it be a lifetime more of flourishing side by side.
Also to Michael Smetanin, my maestro, for the constant push to be better, the weird & wonderful ways in which you see potential in my art, the wine, the laughs, the tears and the triumphs— how could I ever thank you enough. I will never cease to learn from you.

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